Holly Powers (USNAAA) Designated an Honorary Memeber of the Class of 1970

For the past eight years, Holly Powers has served as Associate Director, Class Programs, for the United States Naval Academy Alumni Association. In that capacity, she has provided exceptional support to the U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1970.
Holly guided the Class of 1970 through its 45th and 50th reunion planning and execution. With regard to both reunions, she provided sound advice and enabled the Class to avoid many pitfalls. Planning the 50th Reunion was especially vexing, and Holly assisted the Class of 1970 in dealing with myriad issues such as changes in hotel business models and use of Naval Academy facilities during the reunion.
In addition, Holly guided the Class of 1970 through its Another Link In The Chain program, enabling the Class of 1970 to serve as mentors and role models for the Class of 2020. Specifically, she facilitated the Class of 1970’s participation in Class of 2020 events including, but not limited to, Induction Day, Sea Trials, Herndon Climb, Commitment and Service Assignment dinners, Ring Dance, Battalion Receptions, and Graduation. Her assistance resulted in these being memorable events for both Classes.
Finally, Holly has continuously been a source of knowledge and information on such diverse issues as individual access to the Yard, vehicular access to the Yard, parking in the Yard, status of Class of 1970 widows and next-of-kin, and status of members of the Class of 1970 who graduated with a later class. No matter how obscure or arcane the question or issue, Holly could always be relied upon to provide an answer or resolution.
In summary, Holly Powers meets the criteria for designation as an Honorary Member of the Class of 1970, to wit: She has, “Made substantial contributions of his or her time or assets in support of activities and endeavors of the Class of 1970, or a group of Class Members.”
Nominator Name:
Michael J. Novak
Updated: February 04, 2021
Curator: Ed Moore